Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day of Departure

It was a great find, the huge suitcase from Pick ‘N Pay for $2 – almost as tall as me with wheels to pull it around.  Sitting on a table in the bedroom for a whole week before the flight meant things just kept getting tossed into it that may or may not be needed.  My rationale was that if I bought something I could just toss something out to make room. After all 90% of everything packed was indeed thrift store treasures and the plan is to find more in Paris. It is all about recycling or as some call it “upcycling.” Whatever, it’s the search that drives me.

Finally after months of anticipation the morning for departure finally arrived. I zipped the suitcase smugly shut since I usually have to coerce the zipper on my old bag by sitting on it, and pushing and pulling until it finally acquiesces but the strain on the seams is severe. But not today, the upcycled suitcase closed easily with actual room to spare.

Ready to go I attempt to lift the case off the table, which proved to be easier said than done since it is in my studio surrounded by artwork in progress. After moving things around to make room on the floor for the massive bag containing everything imaginable, I gave it a serious pull and it fell off the table with a bang. I wrestle the case to a standing position and attempt to roll it forward to the staircase in the loft. OMG! This is obviously why it was only $2! What on earth was I thinking? This thing is almost as big as me and to drag it around the Paris airport searching for the RER train station, and then the metro #6 line would be difficult at best and certainly not a graceful sight.

A word flashed through my mind – SIMPLIFY. Of course, this is what I have been attempting to do in all areas of my life. I tend to make things much more complicated than they need be. It’s 8 AM and my ride for the airport will be around in an hour. In an instant I made a decision, grabbing by old bag off the shelf placing it beside the big one and quickly sorting out the basics I really need for Paris (and trust me, it’s not 6 pairs of shoes!). Seriously, I won’t miss anything I left behind and probably wouldn’t have worn most of it anyhow. After all I did splurge on the new skinny jeans before I left Homer. And really, what more does a girl need in Paris besides a white shirt, a few tees, a little black dress, a cashmere sweater and a leather jacket? 

1 comment:

  1. A great thrift store in Paris is Emmaus House. I will have to look up what arrondissement. I got an awesome black leather motorcycle jacket, replete with zippers and buckles, there for a few euros. wearing it makes me know what a diva i am!
